How are you growing? There are several ways we grow in Christian Discipleship: in faith, through studies with others, in prayer, by sharing Christ’s love and serving others. If we stop growing we start dying. At Wesley Church there are lots of ways to grow.
Join our prayer team! We are currently seeking people who will pray for others after worship on Sunday mornings. We would like to have people from each worship service that could serve in this way. Please contact Michele Walter at if you would like to serve.
Join our puppet ministry! Young or old…you can be a puppeteer!
Join a bible study! We currently have a Faith Healing Workshop happening on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 pm. This will end with a Faith Healing service on Wednesday, June 24th from 6:30-7:30 pm.
A Women’s Study will be starting on Tues., June 16th at 7:00 pm via Zoom. The study is on the book by Sharon Jaynes entitled “The Power of a Woman’s Words.” If you wish to join, contact the church office at 570-374-8015. This study is an 8 week study.
Join our mission team! We take a mission trip every 2nd Wednesday of the month and go to Mission Central in Mechanicsburg.
Join the hospitality team! Make a refreshment for the Sunday morning coffee table, make soup or sandwiches for our monthly Cancer support group, place your name on the list to make meals or donate items when needed.
There are a lot of ways to get involved. Contact the church office to find out how you can Connect, Grow and Share.